Studia Logica

В журнале "Studia Logica" вышла статья к.ф.н., ст. преп. кафедры логики Александра Александровича Беликова "A Simple Way to Overcome Hyperconnexivity".

Статья посвящена проблеме устранения гиперконнексивности в коннексивных логиках и войдет в специальный выпуск журнала Studia Logica, который посвящен коннексивной логике.


The term ‘hyperconnexive logic’ (or ‘hyperconnexivity’ in general) in relation to a certain logical system was coined by Sylvan to indicate that not only do Boethius’ theses hold in such a system, but also their converses. The plausibility of the latter was questioned by some connexive logicians. Without going into the discussion regarding the plausibility of hyperconnexivity and the converses of Boethius’ theses, this paper proposes a quite simple way to escape the hyperconnexivity within the semantic framework of Wansing-style constructive connexive logics. In particular, we present a working method for escaping hyperconnexivity of constructive connexive logic CC, discuss the problem that creates an obstacle to using the same method in the case of logic C3C3 and provide a possible solution to this problem that allows us to construct a logical theory which is similar to C3C3 and free from hyperconnexivity. All new logics introduced in this paper are equipped with sound and complete Hilbert-style calculi, and their relationships with other well-known connexive logics are discussed.